“With Angel’s assistance, residents arranged to have the communities of Desert Center and Lake Tamarisk jointly designated as an unincorporated community called Active Communities/Desert Center (AC/DC). The AC/DC team took on administrative titles and roles, and with Angel’s help, worked for 45 days on their DEIR comment letter, stating their objections to the Easley construction plan.
“ ‘Having seen quite a number of EIRs, I would not rate this one with a passing grade,’ Angel said during a recent interview. ‘This one is a failing grade, particularly on the alternatives analysis. I can summarize one reason why. I have never seen an EIR that looks only at one alternative to the project, and that one alternative is a mirror image of the project itself. The whole purpose of alternatives is, as the word implies, to provide the supervisors, or whoever the decision makers are, a range of choices. The courts and the CEQA guidelines very clearly require that an EIR look at a reasonable range of alternatives. For them to come up with only one alternative, that in and of itself is not a range. … It’s not even one reasonable (option), because it is extremely similar. … It does nothing to protect the microphyll woodlands that are to the north of Lake Tamarisk. There’s nothing that deals with how (Intersect) would reduce the groundwater use. There’s certainly nothing that would protect the public and the private views from Lake Tamarisk or from Alligator Rock, and other areas (including the) new Chuckwalla National Monument.’ ”
Read about Angel Law’s advocacy for responsible solar energy development in the Coachella Valley Independent: https://cvindependent.com/2024/03/lawyered-up-with-an-attorneys-help-lake-tamarisk-residents-voice-their-opposition-to-a-nearby-large-scale-solar-project/